Here's another mix to get the weekend going, Miami Bass Classics from Dynamix II, Magic Mike, Candi Fresh, 2 Live Crew and more to give the subs a little workout! Tracklist on artwork above... Please share ;]
This is a mix we did under our Hydraulix Moniker a few years ago for WMC, straight forward electro bass...alot of exclusive tracks and remixes on there...tracklist on image above...hope you dig it!
Here's a little video I found in the Kuad archives. It's
from the Future Sounds of Breaks 08 tour of last year
in Charelston S.C. The food was amazing!! It was also
great chillin with Keith Mac, Head, Berretta, and Skitch.
We all had the BASS BINS BUMPIN!!!
Here's the first Hydroz mix we did a few years ago for WMC, really sums up what we were into that on image above for track listing...hope you guys like it! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD HYDROZ - THE WORKOUT PLAN VOL.1